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RIP NateGDesign, 2006-2010

November 12th, 2010 by Nate
My new site is finally live, replacing a long-outdated NateGDesign.com. I got the chance to experiment with a lot of different things, and I learned a lot in the process. From here on out, I'll be posting my current work in photography and design, as well as sharing thoughts and other work that inspires me.

Goodbye, nateGdesign.com. Though I’ve known you intimately for 4 years now, I feel we’ve grown distant over the past…3.5 years. In the beginning, there was a passionate love affair but I quickly grew tired of your high-maintenance ways and your limited communication skills. Consequently, I have left you to rot in your small corner of the interwebs. We both got busy, and I found myself fascinated with newfangled ways of sharing my artwork and thoughts with people. I’m not bitter; You were a good learning experience. And I’ll probably keep your email for a while longer. But it has come time to put the nail in the coffin and move on with my life.

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